Park/Ratheniska GAA are giving you the opportunity to Win a Shed at this year's World Ploughing Championships which are taking place on their doorstep in Ratheniska. The Club are incredibly lucky to have this event so close to their GAA Grounds, and while they may not be able to play or train much over the course of the 3 days, Club Chairperson Kevin Fingleton says the entire community is looking forward to welcoming Ireland and the World to their small village.
"It's great to have the event back in Ratheniska again, and it's a credit to Anna May and the NPA that they have been able to organise and host the World Ploughing in such a short time span. We in Park/Ratheniska GAA and LGFA are delighted to do our part to accommodate our visitors, with our Club Grounds being used as a Bus Park for the three days".
Of course, the event also offers the Club a unique fundraising opportunity Fingleton says. "Yes, we are raffling off a shed on the site for one lucky winner. The shed is produced locally and is of the highest quality. It is 40ft by 20ft, fully enclosed and tickets will be sold on site for €10 each, or 3 tickets for €20."
The Club have big plans for the proceeds of the draw which Kevin was only too happy to explain. "We plan on using our experience in the GAA Green Club programme to overhaul the lights on our main adult pitch. The energy saving project will see our pitch fully floodlit to match standard, while at the same time bringing about savings and a massive reduction in CO2 emissions."
The venture is a joint one between the men's GAA Club, and their Ladies Gaelic Football Club. "We're incredibly lucky to have a great relationship between the Clubs, they are our wives, daughter, sisters, etc, and there is a massive crossover between both. The support the Ladies Club gave our Footballers over the past 2 years as we won Laois Junior & Intermediate Football Championships, as well as League honours in Division 2 and Divison 5 Football in particular was incredible, and with them in the knockout stages of the Intermediate Championship, we are giving them back the same support twice over. They will be on site helping us sell tickets on the day and this really is for the benefit of the entire community of Ratheniska."
Park/Ratheniska are the perfect example of a incredibly forward looking Community Club. As mentioned they are members of the GAA's Green Club Pilot Programme, developing and championing reusable drinking bottles as well as battling food waste through their association with the Regional Waste Management Authorities, a role they are to the forefront in also at this year Ploughing Championships. They are also a member of the GAA's Healthy Club project, and indeed are about to formally announce their Club Grounds as being Smoke and Vape Free. Winning both on and off the field indeed!
So, what are you waiting for, make sure to visit Park/Ratheniska GAA Club at the W.R.Shaw Ltd stand (who the Club are very grateful to for kindly allowing them to erect the shed on their plot), Block 3, Row 13, Stand 223.
Who knows, you might meet a celeb or two!